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The NT Training Areas & Ranges Project Update

The NT Training Areas and Ranges Project Update December 2020

We are excited to share with you our inaugural NT Training Areas and Ranges Project update and invite you to join us on our journey to completion by following our regular monthly progress updates.


Sitzler were appointed as the Managing Contractor for the Development Phase of the $514 million NT Training Areas and Ranges Project in September 2019.

We are managing the design and development of facilities and infrastructure at Defence training areas at Robertson Barracks, Kangaroo Flats, Mount Bundey and Bradshaw Station. Subject to Government approvals, construction is scheduled to commence in late 2021 with completion anticipated by mid-2026.

Sitzler established a dedicated NT Ranges Project Facility on Berrimah Rd, Berrimah in late 2019, to headquarter operations throughout the entire project duration, establishing a collaborative space which creates opportunity for great project outcomes.

November 2020 Update and Key Milestones

It has been an intense period in the lead up to our third project milestone (50% SDR), working with our client, user groups and our dedicated consultancy teams in preparation for the Delivery Phase.

The Planning Phase of the Project consists of a series of design milestones. To date we have completed the 5% Master Planning & Feasibility Review (MPFR), the Concept Design Review (CDR) and now the 50% Schematic Design Review (SDR) with 90% Detailed Design Review (DDR) targeted for May 2021.

The project team submitted the final 50% SDR report early December 2020 and is expected to be non-rejected around mid-December before commencement of the 90% DDR.

Sitzler will go to market in February 2021 with Invitations to Register (ITR)/EOIs and Interested Subcontractors and suppliers are invited to register their interest in suitable work packages. ITR Documents will be available via the ICN NT Project Gateway page ( for the EST01990 United States Force Posture Initiative (USFPI) NT Training Areas & Ranges (NTTAR) Project (official project name).

Our first industry briefings in Darwin, Katherine, Timber Creek and Kununurra (WA) during the month of November were well attended by predominantly local industry representation. The purpose of these briefings was to build industry’s understanding of the Project, and to present avenues for local contractors to get involved in the delivery of Works Packages.

The project team has worked collaboratively through a challenging year under COVID-19 restrictions, and we are grateful for the great praise received and positivity displayed by project stakeholders after the 50% SDR presentation.

As our team continues to expand and increase capacity as we edge closer to Delivery phase, opportunities still exist for professional delivery phase positions, so don’t hesitate to get in touch if this project interests you.

Visit our News section again for the next project update which will be published later in January 2021.